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Girls` and Boys` Day

Since 2001, there is nationwide the Girls`Day, where girls from the 5th grade can get a taste of the typical male professions. We also participated again this year and received on Thursday, the 28.03.2019 three “girls” who were allowed to get a taste of the “men’s profession: surface coaters”.

At 8 o’clock, Adriana (10 years old), Thalia (13 years old) and Hannah (10 years old) started their working day with a company management, so that the three girls first got to know all departments of our company. After seeing a lot about our water filtration system and the coating of components in our technical center, the girls were then able to participate in various experiments in the laboratory. Astonishing was the attempt to produce pink and blue “unicorn pipi” from a clear liquid.

For lunch there was delicious pizza and pasta, so that Adriana, Thalia and Hannah could go back to work strengthened.

Afterwards her mathematical skills were tested and the certificate was handed over for participation. At 15 o’clock ended an exciting and certainly educational day for the kids.